Facebook, just the word is been used everything to suddenly make everything online hip and cool or at least that is what the big corporates are thinking as they slowly wake up to the Web 2.0 social scene.
And in order to appear that they are with it they are starting to try make everything work with Facebook and especially with your mobile phone. Apparently Nokia and Facebook are in heavy talks with creating more interactivity between Nokia users and Facebook.
Nokia has to face the decision to we try use our vast user base and create our own social network or do we jump on board with Facebook?
I certainly don't think they should create another new social network and that they should use Facebook like Apple and Blackberry are doing. Soon when going through your contacts on your phone you'll be able to see who is online etc. and start a chat with them - I like that idea.
BUT and for me this is a big
Is Facebook going to be the new Microsoft?
And this question is with reference to how Microsoft was so 'cool' back in the early nineties and started to bundle everything together and eventually got slapped with law suits and paid millions and millions in fines.
If I was from My Space or Orkut I would be upset and cry FOWL when all these cellphones start coming out working so closely with Facebook. This time it won't be Facebook/Microsoft that could get fined but rather the cellular companies like Nokia and Apple.
If they don't give their users the option of selecting which Social Engine they would like to connect to when using their phone it could be seen as creating a monopoly for Facebook. If I was Facebook I would be pushing hard to strike up these deals with the phone companies as fast as possible.