So in my last blog I spoke about the world wide support for Obama and that I would most probably vote for Obama.
My blog posts get posted on Facebook and one of my friends in the USA commented on my post disagreeing with me, I asked him why and the 2 main reasons he came up with were:
1) Experience (age and time in office)
2) Lack of understanding as to what is required to steady the American ship
Now from my side and the rest of the world we just read bits and pieces that gets put on the web, from all the news I've been reading I initially wanted Hilary Clinton to win and since Obama won I've been generally 'supporting' his nomination.
BUT is this what the world needs, is this the right decision based on what we read from the news... The reason I bring this up is because if this is my opinion from here all the way in South Africa what are the people's opinions like in the USA/rest of the world and how easily is it swayed?
For me, I just want the republicans out of the Bush mess but who is better - McCain or Obama? I guess we'll see in a couple of hours.
But I can definitely see its quite a heated matter as I just made a few comments on Facebook and got quite a few replies quickly from my American friends.
The paradox of insular language
1 year ago
1 comment:
I think it's a little naive of your friends to talk about term in office and relating that to ability to 'steer the ship' - by that token you might as well give the country to McCain. Hang on .. how long has Mugabe been in office again? ;)
The issue is more about maturity and ability to lead than one of tenure. Obama has clearly demonstrated his ability to talk sensibly without choking on pretzels. Also I believe the democrats have sounder policy to manage the economic crisis.
If the poll in Harry's bar in Paris is anything to go by we should see Obama win convincingly - here's hoping! As a bad cartoonist though I have to say I'll miss George - he certainly made for great comic material as did the US election candidates during their campaigns (Obama no exception!) - check out some of the funnies on when you fancy a laugh! :)
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