Monday, August 25, 2008

Finally a chance to make a difference!

So over the weekend a friend sent me a link to a website and a message urging all of us to try help, so I went over and checked it out and was impressed. Take a look here.

This is a website idea that I have thought about for awhile and I'm glad to see that someone else has tackled it and has done a great job, Greater Good SA is an online social marketplace. So basically a charity organisation will register and list services or work they need doing and then people like ourselves can come along and indicate we'll help out with the project. Great idea I think.

So far the site has helped generate R9.5million and 21,000 hours of volunteer work.

I'm going to try get all my mates to help out with 'Do it Day' on the 19th Sep, hope you will too!

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